Rainbow Coffee & Social Hour Amherst 

** 10 - 11:30 a.m.  (more time now!)

Join us for a heartwarming and inclusive experience at our LGBTQIA+ and Allies Coffee Hour Group! We gather once a month on the first Tuesday from 10 - 11:30 am at the Amherst Senior Center.  We've created a safe and welcoming space where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share stories, and combat loneliness. 

Our Coffee Hour is a delightful blend of friendship, support, and laughter, where you can be your authentic self without judgment. Whether you're looking to forge new connections or simply enjoy a cup of coffee / tea with friends who understand your journey, we invite you to be part of our vibrant community. Together, we celebrate diversity, foster understanding, and ensure that no one in the LGBTQIA+ and Allies community ever feels alone. Come sip, chat, and thrive with us!

  February 2025 - Rainbow  (LGBTQIA+) and Allies Coffee & Social Groups 

Resist! United we stand, divided we fall!

** Additional Events happening in February 2025 - see attached notices!

Please note: No Lavender lunches in Hadley for January and February 2025!

Below are flyers for: 

Please check them out below!

 February 4th, AMHERST COFFEE HOUR (Tomorrow) 10 -11:30 am at the Bangs Community Center in Amherst - Coffee/Tea, bagels and conversation! NEW Extended hours!   https://www.rainbowcoffeehouramherst.com/ 

 February 5th,  RAINBOW SUPPER CLUB HOLYOKE 5 -7 pm  Go to https://wmeldercare.org/home/services-programs/lgbtq-support/  Dinner, conversation, and the opportunity to meet our new RSC Coordinator, Anna Lippincott! Please be sure to RSVP. which you can do by clicking here.

NEW! February 11th, RAINBOW ELDERS AT LIFEPATH - social gathering from 2-3:30 pm at the Orange COA, 62 Cheney St., Orange, MA  https://lifepathma.org/what-we-offer/health-and-wellness/rainbow-elders/

 February 12th, Wednesday, BELCHERTOWN’S RAINBOW SOCIAL HOUR 10 -11 am @ Belchertown Senior Center, 60 State Street, Belchertown https://rainbowsocialhour.my.canva.site/ 

February 13, from 12 - 2 pm, RAINBOW ELDERS AT LIFEPATH, In-person luncheon, Thursday at the South County Senior Center, 22 Amherst Rd., Sunderland, MA, 01375. Click here to register.

NEW TIME!!!  February 20th SOUTH HADLEY SOCIAL / COFFEE HOUR 12:30 - 2 pm @ South Hadley Sr Center. 45 Dayton St, South Hadley https://www.southhadley.org/324/Council-on-Aging

  🏳‍🌈 We are meeting in person throughout Western MA!  We are everywhere! 🏳‍🌈

Mark your calendars, pass the info along to your friends, and plan to attend!  Help support all the groups!


December 10, 2024 Tuesday 9-11 am 

@ Bangs Community Center, 70 Boltwood Walk, Amherst

Nearly Perfect Score on the 2024 Municipal Equality Index  

The Town of Amherst is proud to announce that it has achieved an outstanding score of 99 out of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2024 Municipal Equality Index (MEI), illustrating the Town’s unwavering commitment to equity and inclusion for LGBTQ+ residents and visitors.  

“We are honored to receive this high score, as it represents our Town's dedication to creating a community where everyone feels welcomed and valued,” said Town Manager Paul Bockelman. “This achievement is a testament to the hard work of our Town departments, community leaders, and advocates who strive to ensure that Amherst is an inclusive space for all.” 

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Municipality Equality Index is a nationwide evaluation of cities and towns on how inclusive municipal laws, policies, and services are of LGBTQ+ people who live and work there. Cities are rated based on non-discrimination laws, the municipality as an employer, municipal services, law enforcement, and leadership on LGBTQ+ equality. 

“It’s essential that the LGBTQ+ community feels safe and valued, as this fosters a more inclusive, supportive environment for all residents,” said Philip Avila, assistant director of the Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. “Ensuring safety and representation helps break down stereotypes, strengthens community bonds, and promotes equality. Amherst’s commitment to inclusivity is key to building a town where everyone, regardless of their identity, belongs and flourishes.” 

Some of the key initiatives contributing to the Town’s score include: 

The Amherst Police Department also announced that Detective Marcus Humber has been designated as the LGBTQ+ Police Liaison, serving as an accessible and friendly ear to the town’s LGBTQ+ community and elevating related concerns to the police chief and other Town officials. With this announcement, the Town is confident of achieving an MEI score of 100 in future years.  

“The Town of Amherst remains committed to continuous improvement and enhancement of its policies and practices” said Pamela Nolan Young, director of the Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. “While this score is an important milestone, the journey toward full equality and inclusion is ongoing.” 

“Over more than a decade, the Municipal Equality Index has worked with cities and towns in all parts of the country, in all fifty states to advance the fight for lived and legal equality,” said Human Rights Campaign Foundation President Kelley Robinson in an announcement of this year’s scores. “For LGBTQ+ people, building community isn’t just a phrase, it’s a way of life. In many important ways, local politics shapes our lives just as much as state or national politics does. Mayors and city councilors who take LGBTQ+ inclusion seriously build stronger communities, and in turn their cities thrive.”   

The full MEI report, Amherst’s scorecard, and a searchable database for other municipalities’ scores are available online at hrc.org/mei. To learn more about what Amherst is doing to support LGBTQ+ equality, please contact the Human Rights Commission at humanrights@amherstma.gov

Amherst 2024 Municipal Equality Index Scorecard

Posted on: November 25, 2024  https://www.amherstma.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=3698

Thank you Mindy Domb, Massachusetts State Representative of the 3rd Hampshire district for  coming to the meeting!  We're off to a good start ... 1st meeting of 2024! 

Our 1st meeting 6-6-2023 @ The Amherst Senior Center

An LGBTQIA+ & Allies Coffee / Social Hour

Come and meet others for friendly conversations! 

Contact this group by email @  Rainbowandallies@gmail.com